As the sky and the elements rest,
As the countless universes vast,
As the mountain,
As the encircling ocean,
As the moon, the sun and all the orbs rest,
As the merciful rains from the heavens,
As the one who stood as ''I,''
As the one who stood as ''you,''
Without losing I-ness,
Blabbering ever ''I,'' ''I,''
Distracted in directions diverse,
As knowledge and ignorance
Confused I turn,
Is it easy to overcome that fate?
Before the day closes,
If one shuts his eyes
And pretends to sleep
Is it possible to wake him?
What is it the path
That can now be taught?
Alas! Pitiable, pitiable indeed
Is my hard lot!
To whom shall I complain?
Oh! Thou, Param that is Bliss
Encompassing in Pervasive Fullness,
The Universes many and Spaces vast!