Liar, wicked, murderous -
Thus I am.
I know not to stand constant
In the way of seeking Thy Grace.
I am ignorant totally.
I am the worthless one
Who seeks things unworthy.
I am hotheaded.
I am a drunkard.
I am a mean fellow.
I am karma ridden.
If thus holding,
You abandon me,
What shall I do
But flounder and perish? Please say!
''Thou, the Pure, the Truthful,
The Companion that is Life of life!
Thou of the void in turiya state of consciousness!
Thou of the adita state
Transcending the turiya state of consciousness!
''Thou, Lord, who art seated on the pinnacle of scriptures,
Thou, Father,
Thou, the Merciful'' -
Thus art Thou ever in the thoughts of the learned!
Oh! Thou, Param that is Bliss
Encompassing in Pervasive Fullness,
The Universes many and Spaces vast!