Destroying the dark forest of anava,
Breaking the stubborn rock of ahankara,
Levelling the rugged land of heart
Into a broad open field,
Planting the seed of silentness
That transcends Earth and other elements,
Irrigating with waters of devotion,
And until the plants come up,
Guarding them direct
From maya bird's attack -
Thus did Thy devotees
Harvest and enjoy the fruits of devotion
And were redeemed.
Now, it is Thy gracious responsibility ever
To guard the path in our march
Towards joining those devotees of yours.
Thou who art of turiya form *[1]
That reveals itself in the mystic space
That none knows!
Oh! Thou, Param that is Bliss
Encompassing in Pervasive Fullness,
The Universes many and Spaces vast!
[1] Pure consciousness that is behind all other forms of consciousness such as waking, dreaming and deep sleep.