Thou created the five elements
And in them created diverse movables and immovables.
Thou created the knowledge goodly
And the Vedas and the rest of books holy.
Thou created Saivam and other faiths innumerable.
And above them all,
Thou placed the perfect reconciliation of faiths
In the silentness that transcends faiths.
And yet Thou hath not created the compassionate grace
For me to approach Thee?
Oh! Thou the vision that is not
Vouchsafed to those
In whose heart falsehood flourishes!
Oh! Thou that appears in the
Knowledge of the truthful beings
As perfect fullness jnana immense
That knows no coming nor going *[1].
Oh! Thou that is the form of pranava
That is the finite finding divine!
Oh! Thou the Primal Source of Siddhanta Mukti!
Oh! Chinmayananda Guru! Oh! Dakshinamurti
That is seated high on the hilltop of Sivagiri!
[1] Birth and Death