There is envy;
There is anava that is I-ness in its massive fullness;
There is miserliness;
There is hard-heartedness, too, within.
And above these are greed and other dark desires.
If so, how can Thou that is the Truth
In my sentience be?
But then, art Thou not the Perfection Fullness
Or does that have some other meaning?
Oh, Thou, that comes unasked
As the jnana sanjeevi (elixir of knowledge)
To revive the jivas that are bound
By the serpentine fetters of mala!
Oh! The lovely Mount Meru of Divine Attributes
That has risen in the midst of the land of redemption!
Oh! Thou the Primal Source of Siddhanta Mukti!
Oh! Chinmayananda Guru! Oh! Dakshinamurti
That is seated high on the hilltop of Sivagiri!