When in the days gone by
I realized not that this body
Made of the elements five
Is but a bubble on water -
To eat to heart's content,
To dress in fineries
And lead a life of pleasure
Was the way of life appropriate -
Thus I held.
But when Thy benevolent Grace descended on me
And evoked in me the Truth,
Where all these went,
I know not.
Other ways are now spoken too,
All disagreeable to me.
And if I think deep of birth and death,
Unable to sleep,
Day and night my eyes melt in love of Thee
As the wax in the gold over fire.
Oh! Thou the Primal Source of Siddhanta Mukti!
Oh! Chinmayananda Guru! Oh! Dakshinamurti
That is seated high on the hilltop of Sivagiri!