Twelve Shūm Meditations



PART 1 The Story of Shūm

PART 2 Awareness and Consciousness

PART 3 Twelve Meditations

1. Tyēmmūīf, balīkana, mīlīnaka

2. Shūm, kanīf, ūū», makaif»

3. La, lam, laf, lamf

4. Kanīf, Shūm-Tyēīf, tyēshūm

5. Simshūmbīsī», nīīmf», kaīf»

6. Nīfmasī, līūnasī

7. Kalībasa, vūmtyēūdī, karehāna, nīkashūm

8. Shūmīf, mūlīf, simnīf, dīmfī

9. Āūm, āūsīsīūm, īimage» kaīf»

10. Makaif», kaīf», īī» kaīf», īimage» kaīf»

11. Mingbasīda, nabaluhtyē, ūkanuhshūm

12. Ānīf, nashūmīf, nalīf

PART 4 Preparation for Meditation

PART 5 Seven Dimensions of the Mind

PART 6 The Seven Chakras

PART 7 The Shūm-Tyēīf Alphabet