Foremost among a monarch’s possessions stands a conquering army, complete and fearless.§
Only seasoned soldiers remain bravely determined when onslaughts decimate them and threaten defeat.§
So what if a legion of rats roars like the raging sea? The mere hiss of a cobra will deaden their din.§
Commanding a long tradition of valor, acquainted with neither defeat nor desertion—that defines an army.§
That indeed is an army which stands together, even when faced with death’s grim fury.§
Valor, honor, trustworthiness and a tradition nobly upheld— these four are an army’s protective armor.§
Well-trained armed forces will withstand every attack, then outflank and storm the foe.§
Even without a winning offense and defense, an army of splendid appearance may still win acclaim.§
An army will prevail as long as there is no desertion, no privation and no contention.§
Though courageous troops abound, there can be no army without commanders.§