Wert Thou not with me constantly
As Life within my body?
I who art the mind and its cognate which is breath
Were termed material.
And Thou as (Chit) Spiritual -
Thus did someone of yore separate us.
''From the day we heard of it unto this day,
Most unjustly Thou suppressed
And kept us under harsh rule.
Any by all this
What is it that Thou have gained'' -
Thus the foolish mind much abuses Thee,
And I to be melting in fire like wax -
Is this proper?
In ten thousand ways have I complained to Thee.
Yet have Thou not taken pity on me
And conferred Thy Grace.
How will I now be redeemed?
Pray, speak!
Oh! Thou, the Ocean of Bliss
That is Cosmic Light!
The Pervasive God
That is Attributeless Pure!