When is the day
I am destined to receive Thy Grace -
Thus my heart troubles me.
What shall I say
That knows no contradiction
Between that which went afore and
That which followed
And that I receive until this day?
Is it Thy wish
That I should be melted like wax on fire
In this worldly bondage -
My heart gasping in agony?
Or that I should swoon again and again in despair?
That attaining this Transcendent Bliss
Is beyond, beyond me,
Thou know best
What Thou hast in Thy mind.
Thou art the God
That is the Light of my light.
Is there anyone else?
Is not this body impermanent?
Will a wrecked ship
Sail in the ocean's waters
As a ship worthy of a voyage?
Is it proper for Thee
Who rules knowing all
To plunge me in distress?
Oh! Thou, the Ocean of Bliss
That is Cosmic Light!
The Pervasive God
That is Attributeless Pure!