At Thy glance,
The tiger that roams the forest
Will in friendliness frisk with the gentle cow;
At Thy gesture,
The elephant in mast
Will hie to Thee bearing a flaming log of wood;
Kamadenu, the heavenly cow,
Will, bowing low at Thy golden feet,
Whisper "The meal is ready".
"O! Earthly Lord, the King of Poets!
The Monarch of Penance!
Hail to Thee" -
Thus they praise Thee.
At the sight of Thy face
Beaming Wisdom Compassionate
Even the Nava Natha Siddhas *[1]
Will seek Thy friendship;
Jnanis like Sukha *[2] and Vama Deva *[3]
Will speak appreciatively of Thee.
Is it easy to describe Thy greatness
Which this world and that laud so high?
O! Mantra Guru, O! Yoga Tantra Guru!
O! Mauna Guru
That comes in the line of Mula, the Holy.
[1] Supreme Nine Master - Siddhas:
(1) Anadi Nathar, (2) Adi Nathar, (3) Ghatendra Nathar, (4) Gorakha Nathar, (5) Sadoga Nathar, (6) Satya Nathar, (7) Mal & Yendra Nathar, (8) Madanga Nathar, (9) Vakuli Nathar.
[2] Sukha was the son of Vyala, and narrator of Bhagavata - he renounced the world the moment he was born.
[3] A Rishi who was a contemporary of Vasista in the court of Dasaratha in Agodhya.