Untaught knowledge,
Indifferent listening,
Pitiless seeing,
A heart that exults in
Murder, thieving, drinking and lusting,
Speech that is full of evil lies
Except these,
I know not anything
That may be termed of goodly virtue;
Only in form am I a Man,
Otherwise I seek not the Ends of Man even in dreams,
O! All these Thou know,
Who know all!
How am I going to be redeemed?
To those who held darkness as darkness
Light will be the refuge;
To me Thy Grace is the Refuge;
Thou who bear the name "The Almighty",
Why not accept this knave in Thy Grace?
O! Thou, Mantra Guru! Yoga Tantra Guru !
O! Mauna Guru
That comes in the line of Mula the Holy!