Arichly illustrated catechism of Saiva Siddhanta for youth, drawn from the Master Course Trilogy, exploring how to live life, know the Divine, honor all creation and see God everywhere, in everyone. In sixty-eight illustrated lessons, this book conveys the basics of a 3,000-page Master Course Trilogy created by Satguru Sivaya Subramuniyaswami (Gurudeva, 1949-2001), a legacy of profound, approachable teachings in three realms: philosophical, cultural and mystical. Path to Siva is a Mini-Master Course created by Gurudeva’s successor to inspire youth to know and follow that venerable way of wisdom embodied in the Saiva Siddhanta traditions of South India and Sri Lanka.

Path to Siva in Russian
Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami
Practice and Philosophy
Himalayan Academy
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