Praising Preceptor’s holy feet is Bliss §
Performing Holy Chores of Preceptor is Bliss§
Holy saying of Preceptor is Bliss §
Surrendering to the Holy Feet of Preceptor§
is increase in Bliss.§
Making all the earthly beings happy is Bliss §
Treating all the beings like me is Bliss §
Attaining True wisdom that all §
Sweet beings are God’s image is Bliss§
Realizing that all are equal is Bliss§
Saying that all are brothers is Bliss§
To work for the welfare of others is Bliss§
All are one and becoming one is Bliss.§
Being humble in this world is Bliss§
To work without expection is Bliss§
Completing the work perfectly is Bliss§
Making all the work as Siva’s work is Bliss.§
Working for the ordinary people is Bliss §
Raising their lives is Bliss§
Establishing rest houses is Bliss§
Promoting Siva’s scriptures of is Bliss.§
We are devotees of Siva.§
Whoever regularly meditates on Thirumantiram, which states that we have no beginning nor ending, birth or death, day or night, pleasure or sorrow, will not face any shortcoming.§
You become of what you think. §
For this, you need persistent effort i.e. without loosing the spirit.§
Nothing can be achieved by a person who is afraid to work hard; no pain no gain is the world norm. §
Work persistently till you succeed. Why do you always think about the unworthy things? Discard that thought and pray whole heartedly to God. Whatever is destined for you, accept them gladly and work on them. In the end, everything will be successful.§
Keep in mind always that all actions exist as it is, and continue performing the work and duties naturally - or refrain from them. Everything is right.§
It does not depend on the action or inaction. Do not aspire for the absence of work. Do not get attached to the work. Action or inaction, which ever suits you naturally, perform only that.§