O God, grant us of boons the best—a mind to think and a smiling love, increase of wealth, a healthy body, speech that is winsome and days that are fair.§ RIG VEDA 2.21.6§ |
As the sun rises, striving begins in the realm of existence. The child, now a young man, learns the ways of community and faces his fresh potential. In the background the fields are bedecked with new growth, as in spring.§
Praise to the Breath of Life! He rules this world, master of all things, on which all things are based. §
Praise, Breath of Life, to your uproar! Praise to your thunder! Praise to your lightning! Praise, Breath of Life, for your rain! §
When Breath of Life with his thunder roars o’er the plants, then, pregnant with pollen, the flowers burst forth in abundance. §
The plants converse with this Breath, drenched by his moisture: “Our life is prolonged, for you have made us all fragrant.” §
Breath of Life clothes all beings with care as a father his son; master of all things, whether they breathe or breathe not. §
Breath of Life is Queen, is Guide, revered by all things; he is sun, he is moon; he is also the Father of all. §
A man breathes in, he breathes out, within the womb. Quickened by you, to birth he comes once more. §
The mighty Wind they call him, or Breeze. The future and the past exist in him. On Breath of Life all things are based. §
Breath of Life, do not forsake me. You are, indeed, I. Like the Embryo of the Waters I bind you to me that I may live§