When is the day to be
That I leave off the Five Tattvas (1)
Beginning with Suddha Vidya
And reach the Grace Divine.
[1] The Five Tattvas beginning with Suddha Vidya are:
(1) Suddha Vidya; (2) Maheswaram; (3) Sadasivam;
(4) Sakti; (5) Sivam. These Five Tattvas are known
as Siva Tattvas. They are of the category predominantly
of Pure Spirit in the evolutionary scale, unlike the
seven Vidya Tattvas which are of Pure-Impure Mixture,
and unlike the 24 Prithivi Tattvas which are predominantly
of the Material category. In these Five Siva Tattvas all
experience is ideal, that is in the form of an idea. They
are therefore considered as pure categories, that is a
manifestation of the Spirit in which the Svarupa or the
real nature of the Divine is not veiled.
(1) Siva Tattva: Parama Siva has two aspects (i) Transcendental
(ii) Immanent or creative. The creative aspect is the Siva
Tattva. It is the initial creative movement of the Ultimate
(2) Sakti Tattva: Is the Energy of Siva. She is not separate from Siva. Siva and Sakti are the Supporter and the Supported. She is the manifest splendor of Siva in His Creative aspect. She polarizes Consciousness into Subject and Object into 'I' and 'This'. The feminine appellation 'She' is only figurative. There is no sex import; rather it is the passive aspect compared with Siva Tattva, the dynamic aspect.
(3) Sadasiva Tattva: This is also known as Sadakya Tattva. It is the first manifestation of the Pure Spirit; In this Tattva, consciousness becomes perceptible to Itself. It is both a Subject and Object. Here the 'Will' or 'Iccha' of the Supreme Reality dominates. It is the experience of 'I am This'; but the 'I' experience is more prominent.
(4) Maheswara Tattva: Here 'This' consciousness is more emphasized than in the previous Sadasiva Tattva; while the experience of Sadasiva is 'I am this', that of Maheswara is 'This am I'. While in Sadasiva Tattva the universe is still a hazy idea in the depth of Consciousness, in Maheswara Tattva it is distinct blossoming of the universe as an idea. In this Jnana or Knowledge is dominant.
(5) Suddha Vidya Tattva: Here 'This' consciousness and 'I' consciousness are equally balanced. They are identified and distinguished in thought. It is the experience of diversity-in-unity. It is a stage intermediate between the higher and the lower stages of the evolution of the Tattvas, between Para and Apara. Here Kriya or action of the Supreme Reality dominates.