Caught am I tight
In the fleshy coils of this body
That accumulateth karmas
Like the cobweb that gathers dust.
Whirled am I like the flaming piece of cotton wool
In a tempestuous wind,
Robbed of all directional wisdom.
Broken in heart, as day by day,
I get close to age,
That is Death's ally -
Thus do I roam aimless in the land
Like the blind pig in the village.
Is this to be my lot?
Thou, Lady of black tresses,
Who, mounting on Thy mighty elephant,
Vanquished the elephant that is darkness
Of the dark God of love
And won the garland of victory,
Driving his cloud army beyond the mountain ranges,
Thou of sword-like piercing eyes!
Thou Peacock that is beloved of my Lord that mounts the bull!
Oh! Daughter that was born
As the eye's apple of the Mountain King!
Oh! Malai Valar Kadali Uma Maiden!