Like the mudpot that holdeth salt,
Worn out in body internally
By a life of acute poverty
I stand in anguish
Indefinite waiting at the outer gates of the arrogant rich -
Thus indeed did Brahma decree my evil fate.
The wretch that I am,
All the undertakings I ventured on
Were only to fill the cubit long stomach.
When am I to perform services for Thine devotees?
For the love of goodly Tamil poetry -
The Lord walked to the portals of the damsel, Paravai,
Step by step at Arur *[1].
Thou, the green young parrot that is His.
Thou, whom the Vedas have measured from head to foot
In measures regular.
Thou, Lady of flourishing Thevai.
Oh! Daughter that was born
As the eye's apple of the Mountain King!
Oh! Malai Valar Kadali Uma Maiden!
[1] The reference is to Lord Siva going to Paravai, the beloved damsel of St. Sundarar, on a peace making mission to settle their quarrels and St. Sundarar singing Tamil songs in praise of the Lord.