''All life here below is my life'' -
Thus, melting in heart,
May I speak good and kindly things,
Throwing away all that is called ''mine''
And walking carefree
Like the elephant in mast,
Seeing the feet of holy beings
As veritable embodiment of Grace,
And seeing all objects as cosmic unity,
And so with folded hands
Scattering flowers in worship,
The eyes streaming tear drops
Like pearls thrown by white waves of foamy sea,
Words faltering in confusion,
Singing and dancing, and in ecstasy
Breaking down again and again,
And remaining immobile like the painted doll,
Transformed into form divine,
Will I be in the Home of Bliss
With Thine loving devotees?.
Oh! Thou the Brahman that is unknowable!
The One that is Purity-Perfection!
The Spaces Vast where dawns
The Knowledge that is Bliss!