To swill with pleasure the freshly distilled
Ambrosia of the celestials.
To sit radiant under the cool shades
Of the Heaven's wishing tree of Kalpaka.
To enjoy the privilege of riding
The lovely white elephant, Iravada,
That is the mount of Indra,
The king of the golden land of celestials.
To hold sway over the entire globe.
All these Thou made me treat as illusion
Of the power-mad men
And scorched the supreme impurity of I-ness in me.
Thou who came
As the Holy Master of silentness!
May Thy Grace be ever with us!
Oh! Thou the Cosmic-Fullness-Purity!
Thou, the only One!
The final end of scriptures!
Thou who pervadeth the countless lives everywhere!
Oh! Thou the Reality that eludes seeking!
The God of Knowledge that dwells in my thoughts!
Thou the Bliss Refulgent!