Immersed in the dark sea of this birth,
Caught in the jaws of the whale that is ''I-ness,''
Tossed in the waves of the twin karmas,
Swayed by the tempestuous winds of damsels
With bulbous breasts and coral lips,
The wild stream of irrepressible desire
Descending from high
Like a roaring torrent,
And direction lost,
Like the boatman with the tiny barge
That has missed the ship of knowledge,
Shedding streams of tears,
Fearing the approach of the deathly messengers of the sea -
On such as one as I, struggling forlorn,
Do Thou take pity
And show the way to reach the shores of mukti!
Oh! Thou the Reality that eludes seeking!
The God of Knowledge that dwells in my thoughts!
Thou the Bliss Refulgent!