A moment looks like an aeon.
This world looks like another dream world.
Such is this pleasure from woman
Growing in me like the Mountain Meru!
''Do thou carry this burden.''
Saying this, it becomes the burden
And makes me the porter
And daily imparting evil counsel
It robs me of all good thoughts
And performs a Indrajal dance too.
Thus is this mayaic mind.
Is it easy to subdue it?
Art Thou the Grace Supreme
That stands as Light Divine
For all those who received Thy benediction?
Or, art Thou a delusion?
Thou art the Witness
That no faith had discovered.
Wilt Thou not in secret
Unravel this mystery to me?
Oh! Thou Sivam
That is Truth-Knowledge-Bliss!
The Cosmic Principle
That is Total-Fullness-Perfect!