The warring faiths contradict one another.
The Maunis great, having attained nirvakalpa samadhi *[1]
Do not speak at all.
The Three Eyed God that teaches,
Talks straight to awareness
With gesture of the hand (chin mudra).
My Lord!
Who then there is that teacheth in plain prose
So that birth and death ceaseth
And bliss uninterrupted ensueth?
Even the attainments reached
May well be doubted by yogis as our own.
And so, If I remain myself to myself
And thus seek solitude,
The mayaic mind is sent to test me.
And how then is this slave
Ever to see redemption -
Pray, speak!
Oh! Thou, the Ocean of Bliss
That is Cosmic Light!
The Pervasive God
That is Attributeless Pure!
[1] Absorption into universal consciousness without thought construct or ideation.