''Oh! Gold Rare! Oh! Gem Pure! My Love!
My beloved Light of Knowledge!
Oh! The Fountain of Joy that wells
From that Knowledge''--
Thus did I sing and dance,
And seeking and seeking Thee
Called aloud for Thee,
And drooped and pined for Thee,
And screamed for Thee,
My hairs standing on end,
My hands folded in worship,
My eyes streaming tears
As rains form the heaven -
Thus, exhausted I swooned.
Well may I be a thief of steely heart,
But did I ever stand apart from Thee
Even for awhile?
From when Thou wert,
From then was I your slave,
Is it not so?
Even though I be but a straw
And ignorant beyond measure,
Is it just that Thou abandon me?
Gather me into Thine fold of devotees!
Oh! Thou, the Ocean of Bliss
That is Cosmic Light!
The Pervasive God
That is Attributeless Pure!