Bones melting, hair standing on end,
Body softening, mind melting incessantly
As wax on fire,
Eyes streaming in tears as torrential rains;
For Thy beloved devotees
Who thus swooned in love of Thee,
Thou came as the elixir of life
And rained waters of bliss!
But me, whose heart knoweth no love,
What for did Thou
Take into Thy vassalage?
Is not the disgust for this carnal habitat,
Clothed in odorous flesh, hair, skin, tendon and bone true?
Will my thougts function
Believing all this to be true?
To be wandering aimlessly
In dire distress
I will not even in dream desire
For the ways of worldly life.
Oh! Thou, the Ocean of Bliss
That is Cosmic Light!
The Pervasive God
That is Attributeless Pure!