''Sweet as sugar cane,''
''Delicious as the triple fruits,'' *[1]
''Melting in the mouth as candy'' -
Thus had the Gods always inspired songs devotional.
This, however, is not that.
Weeping and sobbing
Like thoughts that rise in the devil
With divisions twine - knowledge and ignorance -
My outpourings in Tamil are composed.
The world has not condemned my Tamil
But instead has approved it.
And they said:
''Thou art filled with peaceful virtues somewhat''
And so told a few of the things they experienced,
Dispelling darkness like a flash of lightning -
Now, when is the day to be
That the mind of this slave
Listening to it will blossom?
Oh! Thou, the Siddha Elite of Divine Light
That hath reached the Vedanta-Siddhanta accord high!
[1] Conventionally, plantain, mango and jackfruit.