What the Vedic mantra
Thou constantly hold to,
The object of that mantra
By itself will fulfilled be.
And so,
Even though they are on earth,
They who constant sit in trance
Think not of death.
This is not to be taught
To those who have no thought,
And even if Thou teach them these things
they raise a sea of contention.
Are not the divine natured
Markandar *[1], Sukhar *[2] and other munis
Siddhanta immortals?
Oh! Thou, God for whom Indra and other devas,
Brahma and other Gods,
Munis learned in Rig and other Vedas,
The countless Gana (Jnana?) hosts,
Nava Nada Siddhars,
The sun, moon and the rest,
The gandharvas, the kinnarars
And all the rest
Fold their hands in worship!
Thou, the God of Compassion Fullness
That dances in rapture in the chit sabha
Defying description!
[1] The young Rishi who was destined to die at the age of 16 was rescued from the clutches of Yama, the God of Death, by his intense devotion to Siva.
[2] Vide ante.
[3] In this portion the celestial beings are all referred to.