Holding as real
This body that is evanescent
Unto the flash of lightning;
Holding as real
The pleasures of flashy women
That intoxicate the senses
With their collyrium painted eyes;
Holding as heaven
The stately mansion and mounting riches;
Holding gold as imperishable treasure
That waxes high;
Putting on false appearances
To degree exceeding;
Abandoning to winds all virtues -
Patience, wisdom, renunciation and charity;
To be possessed of greed, miserliness
And other devils;
To walk about here below
Caught in the faith of the materialist;
Thou with one single Word prevented me
From all these, in compassion
That I might receive the Grace
Of the great Vedanta-Siddhanta accord
And enjoy the life eternal.
Oh! Thou Jnana Guru!
Oh! Mantra Guru! Oh, Yoga Tantra Guru!
Mauna Guru that comes in the line of Mula the Holy!