Thou art the bodha; *[1]
Thou hath neither beginning nor middle nor end;
Thou art holy;
Thou art changeless;
Thou art the Bliss that hath
Neither coming nor going;
Thou art the Perfection that is the soul's refuge;
Yet it is Thy Grace that
Obfuscates my knowledge
And keeps me away
From seeking Thee.
And again it is Thy Grace
That dispels my ignorance
And reveals jnana to me.
If so, what is it this poor soul
Can call its own knowledge?
Or what is the harm that comes to him
For lack of knowledge?
What is karma?
And what is the body
That comes to consummate that karma?
Nothing, nothing is there of my own volition.
Will you not lend your Grace
And dispel the doubts that baffle me
Of this world and the next
And accept me in Thine service?
Oh! Thou, the Primal Source of Siddhanta Mukti!
Oh! Chinmayananda Guru! Oh! Dakshinamurti
That is seated high on the hilltop of Sivagiri!
[1] Awareness