THERE ARE VARIOUS THEORIES REGARDING THE LENGTH OF THE YUGAS, OR ERAS, AND WHERE IN THE VAST SPAN OF TIME WE ARE TODAY. THE MOST WIDELY ACCEPTED VIEW IN THE HINDU TRADITION DATES THE BEGINNING of the Kali Yuga at 3102 BCE. Others believe we are beginning the Sat Yuga and some, such as Sri Yukteswar, have calculated we are in the Dvāpara Yuga. The Scrolls say that “Our Lemurian calculations of time will not be translatable into calendars of the Kali Yuga, so at that time there will be confusion about the length of time each yuga is supposed to contain. But it is discernable when another yuga is imminent by the changes that occur within the population.” According to Hindu scriptures that speak of such matters (Manu Saṁhitā, Surya Siddhānta and the Purāṇas), the length of the Kali Yuga is 432,000 years. If we use the most widely accepted dating, we are just beginning the “great sleep,” and Earth will not see the dawn of the Sat Yuga for roughly 427,000 years. Through the last twenty-five years, in reading Lemurian Scrolls within our monasteries, we came to accept the view given in this holy text that the Kali Yuga is now slowly coming to an end. So, we were content to live with the disparity between some Hindu views and the assertions in this text—that is until we decided to release Lemurian Scrolls to the world. It was then that I asked one of my āchāryas to study the matter in detail. This humble timeline is the result. It is not meant to be a definitive, final word on the matter by any means, but a tool for better understanding the times spoken of in the scrolls compiled for this book. It reflects the dating given in Lemurian Scrolls, drawing on the lengths of the major time periods of the Hindu system and places that dating alongside key dates of modern scientific and archeological discoveries. ¶We began our time quest by determining what yuga we are in now according to Lemurian Scrolls. Paragraph 163 states that the Sat Yuga will dawn “when the inhabitants of the Earth are able to light the night with their own devices.…” This, history tells us, occurred in 1879 when Thomas Alva Edison invented the incandescent light bulb and within three decades electric lighting was commonplace. So, from 1879 we worked backwards. Using the traditional length of the Kali Yuga as 432,000 years, we calculated that the Kali Yuga must have begun approximately 430,000 BCE. Lemurian Scrolls prophesied that the Kali Yuga would begin when man begins to kill one another. As indicated in this timeline, modern science verifies that man killed man as early as 450-350,000 BCE, as evidenced by skeletal remains found in Africa of a human who had been scalped by a stone knife. Continuing backwards in time through the yugas in this way, we discovered, to our astonishment, that science’s dating corresponds with many of the major Earth changes described and dated in Lemurian Scrolls. ¶A note about terminology: It is important to understand that the word yuga, meaning an era, can refer to various periods of time. We found this useful information when studying out the Scrolls’ various key references to yugas, because at first they seemed confusing, even contradictory. After some deep meditation and prayers sent to the holy devas through the sacred fire at Kadavul Temple, the answer to several apparent conundrums came to light. The key was in the phrase “cycle of yugas,” which all these years we took to mean the duration of the four repeating eras, Sat, Tretā, Dvāpara and Kali Yuga, which in the cosmology of Sanātana Dharma last a total of 4,320,000 years. This is also called a mahāyuga (“great age”) or chaturyuga (“four-fold era”). In fact, in many cases, this we understand now to be the correct meaning, such as in paragraph eight: “When the next Sat Yuga arrives, those who have lived through the cycle of yugas will all finish their evolutionary processes and leave. More divine souls will come during that time as the cycle repeats.” But in studying Lemurian Scrolls alongside science’s knowledge of Earth’s development and the assertions of various other schools of thought, it was evident that in certain key places “cycle of yugas” was referring to a far vaster period of time. So, we looked to the next larger increment in the remarkable system of Hindu dating—called the manvantara. It is an enormous period lasting, yes, 308,478,000 years. Each manvantara consists of 71 chaturyugas. For example, paragraph 26 of Lemurian Scrolls states, “During the second cycle of yugas, celestial beings arrived from other planets, bringing with them vegetation.…” Here, by interpreting “cycle of yugas” as manvantara, the statement concurs with the discoveries of modern archeology. Science states that the first plant and animal life appeared on Earth during this second manvantara, which began approximately 61 million years ago. A manvantara, from the Sanskṛit Manu and antara, meaning, “an age of a Manu (or man),” roughly corresponds to the length of time it takes our solar system to make a complete revolution around the Central Sun, or galactic center. According to current scientific estimates, it takes 260 million years for our sun to make one revolution around the center of our galaxy—which is not far afield from Hindu scriptural dating of 306,720,000 plus the sandhyā (twilight) of 1,728,000 years for a manvantara cycle. We must keep in mind that a “year” is a period that can also vary in these vast time frames, as the Earth’s orbit around the sun has been constantly changing since the Earth came into being. As we proceeded through our time study, carefully interpreting each “cycle of yuga” reference, the following timeline unfolded. ¶Herein are cited significant events throughout Earth’s history as told or predicted in Lemurian Scrolls, side-by-side with the findings of modern science, along with research by Hindu astrologers Pundit G.S. Sampath Iyengar and Vamadeva Shastri (Dr. David Frawley). One final note regarding the beginning of the Kali Yuga. There is a slow transition between one yuga and the next, called sandhyā, a word used to denote the twilight transition while one era is subsiding and the next has yet to fully dawn. Part of the population lives in the next while the rest is imbedded in finishing out the last yuga. There are always forerunners of the race, the inventors and implementors of positive changes. Our last Kali Yuga began to end as the Sat Śiva Yuga began to show the dim light of dawn when lighting the night was achieved. But the Kali Yuga will have truly ended for all when the sun is seen to peek the horizon of a peaceful ocean—when the last person is killed by another. When killing among people ends forever, true ahiṁsā reigns. This is the hallmark, the benchmark, the prophets say, of the true sunrise of the Sat Yuga. We are admonished to be patient, awaiting this most eventful day. It will come. It will come. To be sure, it will inevitably come. ¶Sri Swami Shyamendra Paramahansa of Laxman Jhula, a modern satguru of the Kashmir Śaiva school, wrote in 1994 the following lucid and informative description of Earth's four great Ages. “GOLDEN AGE, OR SATYA YUGA (3.891 million bce): The most recent Golden Age started in 3.9 million BCE and ran to the beginning of the Silver Age. In the Golden Age, the Earth remains in constant communication with beings of different planets and planes of existence. Many of the semi-divine races maintain homes and even cities or states on the Earth. The Earth is far more fertile, lush, clean, vibrant and energized, so that all people can obtain whatever they need just from natural resources. Gems, jewels, coral and precious metals and stones of all kind are available in abundance and used widely. People are generally eighteen to twenty feet in height and remain extremely powerful throughout their lifetime. The average life span ranges from immortality in the beginning of the Golden Age to about 200,000 at the end of the Golden Age. Long, extreme meditation and austerity to obtain superhuman powers are fairly common. Also, divine virtues are natural. Dharma exists in all of its four points: austerity, purity, compassion and truthfulness. SILVER AGE, OR TRETA YUGA (2.163 million BCE): In the Silver Age, people from other planets do not live or relate as intimately with humans, although they visit the Earth fairly frequently and impart knowledge to selected individuals. Only certain people from Earth have the ability to travel to other planets. There is great prosperity on the Earth, immense power and advanced fields of science and art. People are physically twelve to fourteen feet tall, very powerful with the use of mantras and are mentally perceptive. The average life span of people ranges from 60,000 to 10,000 years. The Solar Dynasty remains in charge of governance of the Earth. In the Golden Age great palaces, cities and assembly halls are built by supernatural powers, but in the Silver Age human labor becomes compulsory. Dharma is still honored above all else and followed in three points: purity, compassion and truthfulness. COPPER AGE, OR DVAPARA YUGA (867000 BCE): During the Copper Age, powerful beings from other planets and planes of existence appear even less frequently on Earth. They still appear to those who culture and evolve themselves. They grant boons, accept the offerings of yajñas, offer assistance, spiritual guidance, etc. Human beings are not as mentally and physically powerful as in the Silver Age. People average eight to ten feet in height. The average life span ranges from 3,000 in the beginning to 500 years at the close of the Copper Age. Accordingly, there are still great powers through the use of mantras, tremendous arts and alchemical science. Whatever is presently accomplished through technical feats now is accomplished through yoga and tantra in the Copper Age, which is not adverse to nature. The Lunar Dynasty is the presiding government. The black magical arts begin to grow. Most people are well rooted in the authentic wisdom of intergalactic history. This age recently ended, approximately 5,300 years ago, with the Mahābhārata war. This was also the end of interplanetary communication for the human civilization. Dharma survives in two points: compassion and truthfulness. IRON AGE, OR KALI YUGA (3101 BCE): In the Iron Age, vice spreads through the means of greed, intoxication and over-indulgence in sense gratification. When this is relied upon more heavily, humans become ignorant of their glorious past and begin doubting its existence. Soon complete reliance on manual labor and mental technological inventions spreads worldwide. People grow physically weaker and are four to six feet in height. The average life span ranges from 100 to 65 years. Meditation, compassion and purity are scarce. Because communication with other planes of existence is cut off, mankind believes he is the supreme being and therefore exploits the resources of the Earth and universe. Governance is broken up across the globe, and power fluctuates between those with the latest technological advantages. Dharma exists only in one point: truthfulness.”§
-925,342,121 | SCROLLS: The first time period (manvantara) referenced in Lemurian Scrolls begins [determined by calculating backwards from 1879, when man first learned to “light the night by his own devices”]. This is understood to be the first “cycle of yugas” in which there is a relationship between Earth and souls from several major planets in the galaxy. (In the Hindu time perspective, chanted today by priests at the start of pūjā, the universe was, at this point, in the fourth manvantara of the 51st year of Brahmā.) |
 | SCIENCE: Earth becomes a recognizable but not yet habitable planet. Land masses are still forming, with many volcanic eruptions. The Earth has undergone more than 2.5 billion years of development, and the universe is more than 15 billion years old. |
-616,994,121 | SCROLLS: Second manvantara begins. |
 | SCIENCE: Earth becomes habitable; water evaporates, forming air. |
 | SCROLLS: Earth is seeded for future populations. “During the second cycle of yugas, celestial beings arrived from other planets bringing with them vegetation. Their spaceships passing over the Earth’s surface dropped seeds and foliage.…” ¶26 |
-435,000,000 | SCIENCE: First evidence of plant life. |
 | SCROLLS: Souls come to Earth and incarnate as animals. “Celestial beings came en masse and hovered over the Earth in their etheric bodies. Some became the birds and small and large animals.…” ¶26 |
-410,000,000 | SCIENCE: First land animals appear. |
-308,446,121 | SCROLLS: Third manvantara begins. |
-300,000,000 | SCIENCE: Evidence of dinosaurs. |
-120,000,000 | SCIENCE: Evidence of earliest warm blooded mammals. |
-65,000,000 | SCIENCE: Last of the dinosaurs disappear. |
-4,318,121 | SCROLLS: Seventy chaturyugas have passed in the third manvantara, and Earth enters the Sat Yuga (prior to the one we are in now), beginning the 71st and final chaturyuga of the third manvantara. |
 | SCIENCE: “Human” life appears. |
 | SCROLLS: Celestial beings manifest Earth bodies around their subtle form. “In the Sat Yuga, the air was thick and the Earth lush and tropical. The thick clouds of gases and healthful substances floating in the air were the materials the divine souls that came to the fire planet, as they referred to it, would use to materialize a physical body around the etheric body of the soul to express through while living on Earth.…They acquired a full physical form and could eat normally, as the animals did on Earth at that time.” ¶3 |
 | SCROLLS: First temples are built to bring through more souls. “In order to bring these divine souls through into physical form during the Sat Yuga, great temples to each of these planets began to form…The celestial beings would stand on the pedestal and absorb the Earth’s pungent substances and with it materialize strong physical bodies.…But through the thousands of years that passed, it became a very rapid process, and the entire Earth became populated with celestial beings from several of the major planets in the galaxy.…” ¶5 |
-3,500,000 | SCIENCE: Evidence of Hominids, first walking upright “terrestrial animals,” East Africa. |
 | SCROLLS: “As the Sat Yuga ended with the advent of the Tretā Yuga, the ratio of divine beings to those entering the animal kingdom was something like three to one.…” ¶20 |
-2,590,121 | SCROLLS: Tretā Yuga begins. The first human body originating in the animal kingdom develops as a result of the original body being eaten by animals. “Many of these divine, Earthly bodies, constructed from fruit ambrosia, herbal essences and the pungent air, could no longer fly and have been eaten by the carnivorous beings of the animal kingdom.…These souls got caught within the evolutionary cycle of the particular species that had eaten their original body.…They finally cultivated a body similar to the first Earth body devoured long ago. This human body had animal instincts and was difficult to live in.…” ¶12 |
 | SCROLLS: Many of the souls who came during the second manvantara begin to evolve human bodies. “Even during this yuga, the small animals from the second cycle of yugas are coming into human form.…” ¶26 |
-2,000,000 | SCIENCE: Homo habilis appears. Known as “handy man,” stone tools made by this species found in South Africa. |
-2,000,000 | SCIENCE: Australopithecus robustus, a vegetarian species, thrives in East Africa over next million years. |
-1,900,000 | SCIENCE: Evidence of first stone building in East Africa. |
 | SCROLLS: Human flesh bodies are perfected. “The Tretā Yuga is a wonderful period in which intense cosmic rays still penetrate Earth. This makes such evolution possible as creating a flesh body that appears to be like the original one for these celestial beings caught in animal reincarnation cycles to inhabit. These flesh-and-bone bodies will last through the Dvāpara and Kali Yugas…” ¶13 |
-1,800,000 | SCIENCE: Homo erectus, considered the first humans, appear. Two skulls, one in Chad, central Africa, and another in Dmanisi, Georgia, are found. |
 | SCROLLS: Half are still in their original bodies. “One half to one half was the ratio during the Tretā Yuga.” “Toward [the Tretā Yuga’s] end, the ratio is one in the original body to three in the others.” ¶20 |
 | SCROLLS: Souls avoid being caught in the animal kingdom. “The few left who have original bodies will live in caves high in the mountains during the end of the Tretā Yuga to avoid being caught in the fleshy, hot body of the animal.…” ¶15 “It has been observed, now that we are approaching the end of the Tretā Yuga, that a sense of fear is being experienced for the first time as a result of eating wrong kinds of foods, along with losing some of the personal abilities to fly.” ¶13 |
-1,294,121 | SCROLLS: Cataclysms begin the Dvāpara Yuga, and the race of celestial beings, having lost their original bodies, become grounded. “The sign of our losing our ability to fly is the official beginning of the Dvāpara Yuga’s advent in space and time. Then vast substances will form and divide the land.” ¶21 “Our prophecies read out that during the Dvāpara and Kali Yugas every celestial soul will either be in an animal body or in a human body made of its flesh, fire and bones.…” ¶20 |
 | SCROLLS: Early Dravidians perpetuate Lemurian culture. “The Lemurians that became divided from the others through the formation of vast bodies of water, so great they were unable to go around them through the thousands of circles, took on other ways of living. The Dravidians, formerly Lemurians, formerly the first priestly inhabitants, the leaders, the guardians of the primal race, have never had a break in continuity.…” ¶164 |
-900,000 | SCIENCE: Homo erectus migrates through Egypt, India and Java to China. |
-450-360,000 | SCIENCE: Early cave-dwelling Homo sapiens master the use of fire in China and later migrate to Britain. |
 | SCROLLS: Earth’s gravity is becoming stronger. “Toward the end of the Dvāpara Yuga, new magnetic forces will begin to develop so very strongly on the planet, as the gravity on the Earth gets stronger and stronger and nothing floats in the air anymore.…” ¶43 |
 | SCROLLS: As cataclysms began the Dvāpara Yuga, so do they bring it to an end, as the darkness of the Kali Yuga looms. “In the end of the Dvāpara Yuga is seen the destruction of everything that had been built in the Tretā Yuga in the dark area of the world. The races of light and the races of darkness become divided by water. The air becomes thinner.…Everyone will try to influence everyone else through the powers of his mind. People try to convert other people to their religion and philosophy. No one is left on his own. Thought becomes very important to everyone. Everyone tries to program everyone else’s thoughts. The destruction of this civilization will begin the Kali Yuga.…” ¶22 |
-430,121 | SCROLLS: Man kills man. The Kali Yuga begins. “These books prophesied that when one of the first inhabitants of the fire planet is so antagonized by the building of these forces in the Second World that he destroys the body of another inhabitant, that will mark the point in time and space when the Kali Yuga will begin;…” ¶163 |
-450-350,000 | SCIENCE: Homo sapiens found scalped by a stone knife in Ethiopia. |
 | SCROLLS: War and turmoil prevails. “It will be during the Kali Yuga that a human kingdom will eventually fully come out of the different species of animals and form different groups on Earth, some of whom will be the predators of others,…” ¶16 |
-150,000 | SCIENCE: Ice age. Cave dwellers are known to have inhabited Europe. |
 | SCROLLS: Climate changes. “The atmosphere will change again in the Dvāpara Yuga and Kali Yuga,…” ¶30 “Most all of Lemuria will be under vast bodies of liquid during the Kali Yuga,…” ¶27 |
-128,000 | SCIENCE: Climate warms and the great glaciers of the ice age melt, causing seas to rise. |
-120,000 | SCIENCE: Homo neanderthalensis, Neanderthal man, a species with larger brains than Homo sapiens, appear. |
-100,000 | SCIENCE: In South and East Africa, Homo sapiens sapiens are known to have had the same brain size as they do today. |
-93,000 | SCIENCE: On the Indonesian island of Flores, Homo floresiensis, a species averaging three feet in height, lives contemporaneously with modern man. |
-70,000 | SCIENCE: Earth grows colder over the next 40,000 years. |
-30,000 | SCIENCE: Ice age begins. (During the last two million years at least ten ice ages have occurred.) |
-30,000 | SCIENCE: Neanderthals vanish. |
 | SCIENCE: Native Americans spread throughout the Americas. |
 | SCIENCE: Dravidians, the Caucasian equator people, exist. |
-11,000 | SCIENCE: Homo floresiensis vanishes. |
-10,000 | SCIENCE: Ice melts, seas again rise. |
 | LITERATURE: Plato states that the legendary Atlantis sinks because of a cataclysm at the end of the last ice age. |
-8576 | ASTROLOGY: Beginning of Saptaṛishi era calendar. |
-10,000-7500 | SCIENCE: Advanced pre-Harappan cities exist in an area now submerged in the Gulf of Khambhat off India’s Gujarat coast. |
-7000 | SCIENCE: Farming begins in Indus Valley. |
-6500 | ASTROLOGY: Ṛig Veda verses (e.g., 1.117.22, 1.116.12, say winter solstice begins in Aries, indicating the antiquity of this section of the Vedas. |
-5000 | SCIENCE: Early Harappa Valley civilization thrives. |
-3139 | SCIENCE/ASTROLOGY: Mahābharata war between the Kauravas and the Paṇḍavas. |
-3114 | ASTROLOGY: Beginning of Mayan era calendar. |
-3102 | ASTROLOGY: Beginning of Kali era calendar according to contemporary Hindu scriptural calculations. |
1879 CE | SCROLLS: Fourth time period (manvantara) referenced in Lemurian Scrolls begins. |
1879 CE | MODERN HISTORY: Thomas Edison invents the incandescent bulb, and man learns to light the night. |
 | SCROLLS: The fourth manvantara and current Sat Yuga begin. “When the inhabitants of the Earth are able to light the night with their own devices…the Sat Śiva Yuga will begin through this one advent in time and space.…” ¶163 |
1945 | MODERN HISTORY: As chronicled in Lemurian Scrolls, revolutionary advancements are seen in technology and communication, and a blending of the races begins. |