All About Kauai’s Hindu Monastery

Wisdom to Live By§


Books by Gurudeva, including The Master Course Trilogy, and by Satguru and the swamis§

Here at the monastery, the monks share a positive, buoyant spirit about life. The reason for that is found in the teachings they live by—the treasury of Hindu scriptures, particularly the works of our own Gurudeva. A brilliant teacher and orator, he spoke eloquently about virtually every aspect of life—from ultimate reality to household harmony, from kundalini yoga to adolescent angst. In his latter years, he and his monastic publishing team assembled the essence of his fifty years of ministry in the three large volumes of The Master Course. Dancing with Siva is a contemporary catechism, outlining in question-and-answer form the basics of Saivite Hinduism. In Living with Siva, Gurudeva focuses on living a truly spiritual life, sharing insights on how to approach family, money, relationships, technology, food, worship, yoga, karma and more. Merging with Siva consists of 52 of Gurudeva’s inspired talks on raja yoga, God Realization, the clear white light, the states of mind, dreams, the nature of thought, the chakras, auras, death and dying, the guru-disciple relationship and more. ¶Our other books include How to Become a Hindu, a guide for seekers wishing to enter or rededicate themselves to this venerable faith; Weaver’s Wisdom, a superb translation of the South Indian ethical masterpiece Tirukural; and Loving Ganesha, a charming text dedicated to the benevolent Lord of Obstacles who is worshiped by all Hindus. Yoga’s Forgotten Foundation discusses Hinduism’s code of conduct, the yamas and niyamas, as the first two limbs of ashtanga yoga—a necessary prerequisite to other yogic practices. Lemurian Scrolls explores Hindu monastic life and the origins of humanity. What Is Hinduism? presents the many facets of the family of faiths called Hinduism in a comprehensive and contemporary way while authoritatively answering the questions everyone asks about our complex faith. The Guru Chronicles, replete with eyewitness stories, is an illustrated spiritual biography of our lineage beginning over 2,200 years with the first known satguru, Maharishi Nandinatha. Books for children include Path to Siva: A Catechism for Youth, A History of Hindu India and Growing Up Hindu.§ ❖❖❖§